Robots.txt Generator

Leave blank if you don't have.

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Yahoo Blogs
DMOZ Checker
MSN PicSearch

The path is relative to the root and must contain a trailing slash "/".

Creating and managing a Robots.txt file is crucial for controlling the behavior of search engine crawlers on your website. By properly configuring your Robots.txt file, you can prevent certain pages from being indexed, manage crawl budgets, and improve the overall SEO performance of your website. In this guide, we will explain how to generate a Robots.txt file for your website using the SEOStudio Robots.txt generator tool.

What is a Robots.txt file?

A Robots.txt file is a text file placed in the root directory of your website that provides instructions to search engine crawlers on how to crawl and index your site's content. It allows you to control which pages or directories should be crawled or not crawled by search engines.

Why use the SEOStudio Robots.txt generator?

Our Robots.txt generator tool is designed to make it easy for you to create and manage your Robots.txt file. Here are some key benefits of using our tool:

  • Ease of Use: Our tool is user-friendly and does not require any technical knowledge.
  • Customization Options: You can customize your Robots.txt file to meet your specific needs.
  • Accuracy: Our tool ensures that your Robots.txt file is formatted correctly, avoiding common mistakes.
  • Speed: You can generate a Robots.txt file quickly, saving you time and effort.
  • Free and Unlimited: Our tool is free to use, and you can generate as many Robots.txt files as you need.

How to use the SEOStudio Robots.txt generator?

Follow these simple steps to generate a Robots.txt file for your website:

  1. Access the Tool: Go to the SEOStudio website and click on the Robots.txt Generator tool.
  2. Set Default Behavior: Choose whether you want to allow or disallow all website URLs by default.
  3. Set Crawl Delay: Optionally, set a crawl delay if you need to slow down crawlers.
  4. Add Sitemap: If you have a sitemap, add its URL to improve crawling efficiency.
  5. Manage Search Engines: Choose which search engines to allow or disallow from crawling your site.
  6. Disallow Folders: Specify any folders or subdirectories you want to exclude from crawling.
  7. Generate Robots.txt: Click the "Generate" button to create your Robots.txt file.
  8. Upload the File: Copy the generated code and paste it into a new or existing Robots.txt file in your website's root directory.


Managing your Robots.txt file is an essential aspect of SEO that can help improve your website's visibility and performance in search engine results. By using the SEOStudio Robots.txt generator, you can easily create and customize your Robots.txt file to meet your specific needs. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to generate a Robots.txt file for your website and improve your SEO efforts.